The 2022 Workplaces Report is out! This research calls for decision-makers to embrace young people’s perspectives in shaping Victoria’s tourism future.
Ever since the release of the 2021 Young People in Tourism report, we felt that we couldn’t just comply with the status quo of how Young People engage in the Visitor Economy and its future. We knew we could do more. So, with that thought in mind and after months of advocacy, we received the generous support of the Victorian Government’s Department of Jobs, Skills, Industry and Regions (DJSIR) to expand on research and create a program to upskill our fellow peers. Delivered in partnership with B Corp-certified consultancy Regeneration Projects and designed to inform strategic decision-makers in Victorian tourism, events and hospitality, the research results are based on engagement with 141 people in Victoria’s visitor economy through an online survey, focus sessions, 1:1 meetings and desktop research. This included 104 Young People between 19 to 35 years old and 37 Employers and Managers of Young People.
Hope is growing, with 56% of young people indicating that they would recommend their peers start careers in the Victorian tourism, events & hospitality industry, but there is a long way to go.
Key Insights:
- 1 in 3 Young People feel insecure and unrepresented in the Victorian tourism industry
- 1 in 3 Young People feel their workplace increases their climate anxiety
- 90% Of Young People would choose to be part of an intergenerational working group on sustainability within their organisations
Indicators for positive change:
- Let’s work together! 95% of Young People and 85% of Employers & Managers believe there’s significant room for improvement in how generations work together in the workplace.
- Triple Bottom Line reporting: Only 44% of Young People and 63% of Employers & Managers indicate that they’re working for organisations that publicly report their social, environmental and economic impacts. This signals a critical industry-wide knowledge and skill gap.
- Regeneration all the way! 9 out of 10 Young People and 8 out of 10 Employers & Managers agree that the industry should focus on Regeneration (net benefits) rather than Sustainability (less social or environmental harm) or solely financial profit.
Key recommendations include:
- Young leadership: Establishment of a government-funded full-time YTN Executive Officer role
- Industry leadership: A Net Zero Carbon Target for the whole Victorian tourism, events and hospitality sector
- Government leadership: Strategic partnerships with YTN on key events like the Victoria 2026 Commonwealth Games
- Operator leadership: Transition to ‘purpose beyond profit’ by increasing responsible business practices like triple bottom line report, B Corp certification and young mentors for Executives
One of the less understood insights in the research is the low engagement from Employers and Managers of Young People, despite strong support from the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events, Steve Dimopoulos, older leaders generally did not embrace the opportunity to partake in the research.
With the launch of the 2022 Workplace Report, decision-makers have the strategic imperative to harness young people’s passion and skills on social and environmental issues to establish new collaborative and competitive advantages for the State and its diverse stakeholders. Young people, from diverse backgrounds, are the future of Victoria’s visitor economy. They should be recognised and empowered as the agents of positive change that this post-COVID-19 era calls them to become.
“This is a call to decision-makers to hear what young people see as important for the future of the tourism industry. To unlock industry innovation, today’s leaders need to be genuine about empowering the leaders of tomorrow. What’s clear in the Workplaces report is that young people demand purpose beyond profit, meaningful career opportunities and to feel secure and represented throughout the industry – this report gives us practical steps on how.” – Madeleine Sawyer, 2022 Chair of Young Tourism Network
“Young People and their Employers and Managers now have a conversation tool. All generations can sit in a circle, challenge outdated power hierarchies and start dreaming together. The findings in the YTN Workplaces report are relevant to any Victorian and Australian industry looking to innovate post-COVID-19.” – Matt Sykes, Regeneration Projects

YTN Workplaces Report

YTN Workplaces Research poster

Special Podcast
For any queries about the Workplaces Report, please get in touch at [email protected].